FUSD Board of Trustees
Please visit our new GAMUT Meetings site for meeting information!
Regular Board Meetings of the Foresthill Union School District Board of Trustees are typically held the second Tuesday of each month. Open Session begins at 5:45 p.m., then adjourns to Closed Session once all Open Session items are completed. Meeting agendas for the Regular School Board Meetings are published/posted 72 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. The meeting location is included on the posted agenda. Special Session Board Meetings and Workshops may be called throughout the year.
If you would like to speak during Public Comment, please join the meeting in person. Public Comment is the time for members of the public to address the Board regarding items not on the posted Agenda. If you wish to address the Board on an item that is on the posted Agenda, you will be called on at the appropriate time during the meeting. Please complete a "Public Comment" card upon your arrival and give it to the district's Executive Assistant. In the interest of conducting the public meeting in a timely manner, individual speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board. The law (California Education Code Section 35145.5) does not allow the Board of Trustees to take action on any item not explicitly posted on the Agenda in advance.
For a list of current and upcoming Board Meeting dates, reference this link: 2024 Board Meeting Dates
Select the following link to access past Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes. (Prior to May 2022)
Foresthill Union School District Board of Trustees:
Board President: Casey Peoples - cpeoples@fusd.org
Board Clerk: Amber Ordway - aordway@fusd.org
Trustee: Rachel Cottingham - rcottingham@fusd.org
Trustee: Tim Justus - tjustus@fusd.org
Trustee: Steve Smith - ssmith@fusd.org
Superintendent and Board Contact:
Camille Taylor, Superintendent
(530) 367-2966, Ext. 105
Debby La Porte, Executive Assistant/Human Resource Specialist
(530) 367-2966, Ext. 101
FUSD Board of Trustees